Centerworks Blog
What Pilates Can Do for You!
What is The Pilates Method? The Pilates Method teaches a holistic, common-sense approach to efficient movement habits for whole-body health. Developed as a system or movement regime, Pilates training provides a variety of choices in both exercises and specialized...

Improving Posture with Pilates
Just a quick thought about improving posture... While improving posture may or may not be on the list of goals Pilates participants, it might be because posture improvement isn't what they want, but rather the BENEFITS of correcting bad posture, which include: ...
Healthy Feet, Exercise & New Shoes
As you improve foot fitness it's important to invest in new shoes. Old shoes will reinforce your old posture habits. Evaluate what's sitting in your shoe closet. If your shoes aren't helping your feet feel better it's time to toss them out, or donate worn but not...
Pilates Studio Owners – Grow Your Business with Profit-Rich Marketing
If you are a Pilates Studio owner and interested in learning more about how to find, attract, and keep more customers, increase sales & profits, and create effective marketing materials that get results - I highly recommend attending Ford Saeks' Profit-Rich...
Aliesa George – Official Guide Expert for Pilates on
I'm thrilled to be the Official Guide Expert for Pilates at Selfgrowth. If Selfgrowth hasn't crossed your resource radar yet... it's an excellent place to find articles, information, and experts on all sorts of topics from Success Skills, Relationships, Health &...
Pilates Core Conditioning – Dr. Seuss Exercise Teaching Cue for Ab Workouts
I'm always looking for great new Pilates Teaching cues. Here's the one that came to me this week - thanks to a client who had a big number three on the front of her shirt. Good images for cueing can come from anywhere! Do you remember reading Dr. Seuss as a kid? One...
Contradictions & Questions
What a great question I received by email this week! And Oh MY....are there contradictions in the world of Pilates. I can't pretend to know all the answers, and I am always interested in learning more and improving my understanding (as well as my ability to pass on...
Centerworks Pilates Workshops in Little Rock, AR – April 2008
I'm excited to be traveling back to Little Rock for 2 days of Pilates Workshops, April 18 & 19th, 2008. These courses are geared towards participants and open to teachers. If you're looking for a little fine-tuning on your technique, or the chance to learn a few...
Self Healing – Powerful Techniques
Last weekend a friend handed me a book to read, and as I started it....I wondered why it hadn't crossed my radar sooner! On the cover it states: "Within minutes these techniques trigger health-producing effects for: Cancer Prevention & Reversal, High Blood...

Pilates Continuing Education Is Worth Your Investment
I have now been teaching Pilates for over 14 years. Hard to believe it! The time has flown by - I love my job! Blessed to have had an excellent first teacher (David Mooney) and to have had the opportunity to study with many great teachers and most of the Pilates...