Water is a key component for a healthy life. We need to nourish the body with water year-round, but when the temperatures go up outside, it’s important to drink more water and pay close attention to your hydration level and here’s why: 10 Fun Facts about the Benefits...
Centerworks Holiday Health CHALLENGE
Give Yourself the Gift of Good Heath The Holidays...the season that we tend to spend more time eating cookies than exercising. When socializing becomes all about food and family and we find ourselves forgetting about our fitness. In honor of not falling off your...
What Are Your Excuses to Avoid Taking Care of Your Health?
Are you stuck in a cycle of Unhealthy, Sick, Tired, Injured, In Pain, or Full of Complaints? What’s your excuse? Or are there multiple excuses getting in the way of you taking responsibility and care of your body and your health? Is it easy to complain about what...
Take the 2017 Centerworks Holiday Health CHALLENGE
What better way to get your Holiday’s off to a good start than to add just one more thing to the “To-Do” list, and commit to the Centerworks Holiday Health Challenge! I know you’re laughing right now, but I’m serious… This is the time of the year that everything else...
A Healthy Life Gives You the Freedom to Celebrate Your Independence
Are you living a healthy life? I love having clients that depend on me to help them improve how they move. Linking together the pieces in the puzzle, we all must sort out to get our brains and bodies functioning as well as possible. But ultimately, it’s not about...
3 Secrets to Wellness Success
Have you been on the roller-coaster ride of health improvement wins and fails on your journey to wellness success? Do you notice that when what you’re doing works, your excitement, motivation, and results are amazing. And sometimes when it’s not going as well as...
10 Tips to Design Your Healthy Lifestyle
The best way to be successful with a healthy lifestyle is to have a plan. It can be as loose or structured as it suits your personality, but no plan usually leads nowhere. If you haven't been successful in the past, now is the time to focus on your healthy lifestyle...
Bladder Control and Exercise: The Benefits of a Strong Pelvic Floor
Bladder Control and Exercise: Stress Urinary Incontinence (SUI) is Not OK! (For Women, or Men) Do you have a bladder control problem? If you pee when you workout… Don’t just go and buy adult diapers, you need to read this! An article about women, exercise, and...
Choose to MOVE: What Movement Means for Whole-Body Health
Choose to MOVE your muscles to stay strong, healthy, & fit! As we head into a NEW Year, I’d like to share with you a few thoughts about choosing to MOVE, and what movement means for your whole-body health. Kicking off a new year, gives us a clean slate, a fresh...
Getting Fit Simply – Online Health Summit
Don't Miss The FREE Getting Fit Simply Online Summit! Discover top secrets to health & fitness and become strong & beautiful from the inside out & have the body you have always wanted by 21 experts in fitness, nutrition and motivation, including wellness...