I’m always looking for great new Pilates Teaching cues. Here’s the one that came to me this week – thanks to a client who had a big number three on the front of her shirt. Good images for cueing can come from anywhere!
Do you remember reading Dr. Seuss as a kid? One of my favorite stories was the Starbelly Sneetches. And how wonderful that that star is in the perfect spot to think about pulling the abdominals in for support and Core Control.
Here’s my tribute to the great Dr. Seuss from a Pilates perspective!
Is your Starbelly hanging out – which might be a factor, or cause, or concern – for lower back pain that you’d like to relieve?
Or perhaps you have realized that whether or not there’s a star on your belly – pulling it in is the thing that you need.
For strength in your abs, and a core that is working, all that you need for your spine feel fine is to remember the spot where the star might be placed and keep pulling in with your will and your might, so as you get stronger your back will not hurt. Yes…That is Right!
With practice your star will shine with great strength. And I know you will see…with each Pilates exercise, longer and leaner your body will be – as you learn to do each movement quite precisely.
If Joseph Pilates were here still today, he would cheer your success and be proud of your efforts. So enjoy your good health and keep in your mind, your star-belly IN very close to your spine.