Centerworks Blog

A Healthy Life Gives You the Freedom to Celebrate Your Independence
Are you living a healthy life? I love having clients that depend on me to help them improve how they move. Linking together the pieces in the puzzle, we all must sort out to get our brains and bodies functioning as well as possible. But ultimately, it’s not about...
Core Support for Better Posture
Low Center vs. High Center: Get Your Core Support Where It Can Serve You Best By finding and focusing on the right segment of your midsection to improve core support you can improve posture, help eliminate aches and pains, and reduce stress for better health. One of...
Pilates Walk – Tips, Techniques, and Exercises for a Healthy Stride
Quickly and Easily Maximize the Health Benefits of Your Walking Workouts I’m super-excited to announce that after YEARS in process, my book Pilates Walk™ Tips and Techniques for a Healthy Stride is finally available. Learn the system I use with my in-studio clients...
Core Conditioning – Are You Listening to Your Body to Improve Core Strength and Whole-Body Health
Core conditioning is a multi-faceted jewel that is key to enjoying a healthy life. On so many different levels we need to be more focused on improving core conditioning. I’m going out on a limb here and saying that I believe that at least 95% of “issues” related to...

Bye-Bye Back Pain By Practicing this Simple Back-Opening Breathing Exercise
Are You Ready to Take Action and Do Something About Your Back Pain? Back pain can be anywhere along the spine from the tip of your tailbone, all the way up to the base of your skull. Regardless of where it hurts, or what you’ve done to aggravate it – the truth is,...

Alleviate Shoulder Tension with These 10 Healthy Movement Habits to Help You Feel Great
Are you sick and tired of aggravating neck and shoulder pain, and ready to change your habits to help alleviate shoulder tension? I’ve had the opportunity to help so many clients over the past 20+ years teaching Pilates who have walked thru my door complaining of neck...

Shoulder Tension, Stress, and Shivering: How Winter Weather Affects Your Health
Shoulder Tension, Stress, & Shivering Have you ever thought about relationship being cold has on the amount of shoulder tension and neck stress you’re holding onto in your body? If you’re in a colder climate do you seem to feel worse in the Winter, and not-so-bad...

Heart Health and the Benefits of Pilates to Improve Your Quality of Life
Heart Health is More than just Cardio. Yes, the heart is a muscle and it's important to do activities that get our blood pumping. To keep our heart strong and work on improving heart health with exercise it's important to do at least 20-60 minutes of aerobic activity...

My Sprained Ankle Accident – And What I plan to Do to Improve My Foot Fitness
A Sprained Ankle Doesn’t Have to Become a Chronic Foot Pain Problem Can’t remember the last time I had a sprained ankle… It’s been 30 years or more. My silly sprained ankle accident happened a week ago Saturday. I stepped in a low spot in a parking lot and turned my...

Get The Best Pilates Exercises Into Your Workouts To Maximize the Whole-Body Health Benefits of the Pilates System
Are you interested in getting the best Pilates exercises in your weekly workout routine to maximize the whole-body health benefits from your efforts? Check out my myth-busting training tips to be sure you're working everything from your head to your toes to harness...