Centerworks Blog
Improving health from the ground up
Recently Aliesa George & Centerworks Pilates were featured in the July/August Pilates Style Magazine Article "Pedi-Pilates." The photos and exercises were taken from her book, "Fantastic Feet - Exercises To Strengthen the Ankles, Arches, & Toes." Interested in...
Mastering Movement of the Spine: Extension
The Benefits of Spine Extension. Tips and Techniques for Increasing Spine Mobility. Exercises to Practice Spine Extension. Practicing Extension with Pilates. Extension (As defined by the Merriam-Webster Online Dictionary) Pronunciation: ik-'sten(t)-sh&n Function:...
Mastering Movement of the Spine: Rotation
The benefit of Pilates is efficient movement. Movement is health, health is life. The spine is the vertical support for our structure. It protects the nerves that cue our bodies for movement. Breath pumps nourishing fluids from the brain to the body and assists in...
The Thinking Body: Hip Flexion
The Benefit of Learning Good Hip Mechanics Do you spend most of your workday sitting? Or are you older and noticing that your activity level has decreased? Want to learn to sit, stand, and walk pain free? Take pressure off your lower back, and SI joints. Increase hip...
Mastering Movement of the Spine: The Roll Up
"A man is as young as his spinal column. If your spine is inflexibly stiff at 30, you are old. If it is completely flexible at 60, you are young." -- Joseph H. Pilates It seems that one of the primary differences between Pilates and "traditional" weight room workouts...
The Pilates Scoop
The scoop is a signature concept for Pilates training, as well as a topic for much debate. Every teacher has an opinion on whether the Pilates exercises should be done with a scoop or neutral spine. It's impossible not to land on one side of the political fence or the...

Breathing Basics to Improve Health, Fitness, and Your Pilates Workouts
Breathing is a very important part of being alive! How we breathe can make a difference in our good or poor posture, how much oxygen we get to our brain to think clearly, and better breathing habits can make a significant difference in how well we move to reduce the...