Centerworks Blog
Help Me – I Feel Like I’m Going To Go Flying Over the Footbar On The Up Stretch!
As a Pilates teacher, I can't think of one client in 14 years that I've taught the Up Stretch exercise to on the Reformer who hasn't freaked out going forward over the footbar as the are learning the exercise. All goes well, this is temporary... And while a lighter...
Pilates Breathing & Butterfly Wings
I'm always looking for good new visual imagery to use with my clients that will help them better relate to their body, movement, AND better understand how to improve their technique.(I can't take credit for this one, came from one of my teachers newer clients this...
The Benefits of The Iliopsoas Muscle to Pilates – Part 2
"What is the purpose of learning how to properly use the iliopsoas muscle, and how does this affect exercise technique from a Pilates perspective?" In Part 1 the anatomy, benefits, and function of the iliopsoas muscle were reviewed for a greater understanding of the...

Get Your Fantastic Feet in Action!
The cover of BioMechanics - The Magazine of Body Movement and Medicine caught my eye. The February 2007 issue / Volume XIV Number 2 had a barefoot runner on the front and the tag-line, "New barefoot designs challenge footwear conventions." Since the subject of happy...
Work, Release, and Brain Training
Every Pilates exercise involves utilizing the joints as a lever and pulley system. All movement of the body happens as we contract and release different muscles in the proper order to achieve a desired action. If our muscles don't understand their proper firing...
The Benefits of the Iliopsoas Muscle to Pilates – Part 1
"What is the purpose of learning how to properly use the iliopsoas muscle, and how does this affect exercise technique from a Pilates perspective?" This was the question asked of me, which led to an interesting few days of contemplation about how I think, what I...
Creating New Habits
Creating new habits takes time and patience. We'd all like to find that magic pill, or flip a switch and instantly have things be better. Well unfortunately not much in life works that way. The choices we've made have gotten us this far, our new choices will...
Quick Tip to Manage Stress
Here's a Quick Tip to Help Manage Stress... Allow an extra half-hour for everything you do! If you normally schedule all of your appointments and daily chores back-to-back, having one appointment run long will get you off track for the rest of the day. That feeling of...
NEW – Centerworks Pilates Audio Workout Programs
We are very excited to offer these new products. The Centerworks Pilates Audio Workout Programs have been designed to challenge your mind and body. Audio workouts are offered at all levels, so you can pick the most appropriate place to start, and will always have...
The Importance of Spine Extension
Extension the spine is the opposite of flexion. From a terminology standpoint, it’s helpful to be specific. If the cue is “bend the spine” it could move in one of three directions. Forward (spine flexion), Backward (spine extension), or Sideways (lateral flexion). The other direction our spine moves is to rotate or twist. Normally “bending” means flexion, or moving the body forward towards the legs. Extension would be taking the body backwards in the opposite direction, OR un-bending.