Centerworks Blog
Benefits of Using Kettlebells for Your Exercise Program
Have you tried using Kettlebells for your workout program? According to the American Council on Exercise, Kettlebells are a fantastic way to build strength, balance, flexibility, and endurance quickly and effectively. Enjoy a cardio and strength conditioning workout...

Core Fitness: Reduce Neck Pain for Pilates Matwork Exercises and All Ab Workouts
I posted a blog article related to the topic of reducing neck strain during Pilates matwork and ab training few weeks ago. Here’s a new video post in my Core Training series to discuss the same issue. Neck strain, and occasionally pain, is something that is common...
Core Fitness: Gain Abdominal Strength for Sit-Ups and Pilates Matwork with the Half-Sit Back Exercise
One of the biggest challenges for beginner (and sometimes) experienced Pilates students is being able to easily execute a full straight legged sit-up on the Pilates Mat exercises the Roll-Up and Neck Pull. This modified ½ sit-back exercise is a great one to help gain...
Core Fitness: Improving Pilates Exercises & Sit-Up Technique
If you are looking for ways to strengthen your core, and increase abdominal strength for Pilates exercises and sit-ups. Here is some information that you might find useful to improve your technique and get more out of your Pilates and fitness workouts! Here’s the...
Reduce Knee Pain with Pilates Exercises and Pay Attention to if You Squat or Plop
I’ve been on a knee strengthening kick lately with my Pilates workouts, cardio fitness activities, and weight training program, all because I took a hard fall inline skating with my puppy a few weeks ago. So I’ve really been trying to pay attention to my habits and...
Are You Adding Healthy Habits to Your Day?
So it’s a new year, and everyone’s back on the band-wagon to get healthier (myself included). There are so many choices and things to do it can be overwhelming. And then there’s the caveat that not every exercise, supplement, or wellness activity is safe and...
The Health Benefits of Raw Potato Juice (and Palm Readers)
Here’s an interesting story… A few weeks ago I was in Key West. There was a Palm Reader on the street that we passed by every day we were there. Now I've NEVER had my palm read, but felt drawn to this guy. I didn't do it the whole week - and on the last night...
Improve Ab Strength for Pilates Mat Exercises and Sit-Ups with the KG Curl
The KG Curl exercises is a wonderful warm-up exercise for any Pilates or fitness workout. It can really help you learn how to get more bend out of your body to achieve a good curled up position. The result… more work in your abdominal muscles, and less strain in...
Healthy Eating and Sunfood Nutrition
Healthy eating seems to be such a challenge with today's hectic lifestyle. Eating out seems to be "faster" than fixing a good meal at home. I have teetered back and forth on being "good" and eating well, and falling into not-so-great food choices with too many high...
Napoleon Hill Shares Insights for Prosperity, Success, and Good Health
Timeless wisdom to believe and achieve success anything and everything that you desire in life. Napoleon Hill shares the wisdom he learned from the billionaire Andrew Carnegie more than 100 years ago. This is an excellent way to get your New Year’s resolutions off to...