Centerworks Blog
Moving Backwards Can Help Improve Muscle Strength for Knee Injuries
A study was just released, "Moving Backward Helps Injured Knees Move Ahead." I find this research fascinating as I have been exercising backwards for years. Results show that people who use backwards locomotive movements on treadmills and elliptical machines have...
Pilates and the Pelvic Floor: For Poise and Help with LBL
I was recently interviewed by my friend Marilyn Suttle who is the resident LBL expert for LBL stands for Light Bladder Leakage, which affects 1 out of 3 women! One out of three women, means there are a lot of folks who could benefit from a better...
Q & A and Pilates Exercise Tips: Foot Fitness for Runners
I'm in a Running Group on LinkedIn, and recently received this great question about foot fitness, running, and orthotics. Here's the Question: "Aliesa, your posts are very informative and caught my interest! I saw an article recently about not using orthotics long...
Interesting Article on Flip-Flops and Foot Pain
Flip-Flops are Great… If You Enjoy Poor Foot Mechanics, Increased Risk of Injury, and Foot Pain… One of my clients brought me a copy of an article written by Rachel Saslow for the Washington Post, that was recently re-published in the Wichita Eagle newspaper about...
Pilates Exercise Tips for Functional Movement of the Upper Torso & Spine
Gaining a Deeper Perspective on the Details of Moving the Upper Body for Improved Flexion & Extension - Arms, Shoulders, Ribs, and Spine I love those days when I'm teaching along and decide to pick just a little bit more on a piece of an exercise. Seems like once...
Pain-Free Hands: 3 Hand & Finger Exercises for Improved Flexibility
Here are three easy hand exercises to help stretch your palms, and improve finger flexibility. Our hand & finger muscles primarily work to grip and grab objects, so these muscles can get tight and cause joint pain in the fingers, hand and wrist. Use these simple...
Foot Fitness Exercise Tips: Single Toe Flipper Stretch
This Single Toe Flipper Stretch is a great foot-care exercise to stretch the feet and especially the toes. Improve foot mobility so that you can better use your feet and toes to push off the ground when you walk and run. Poor shoe choices and a short stride can...

Pilates Matwork Exercise Tips: Slow Swimming to Improve Hip Extension and Back Strength
Swimming is a lot of fun in a pool, and a little more of a challenge out of the water on the mat in Pilates class. But practicing this exercise on the mat can really help improve strength in the back of the whole body from your arms, shoulders, and upper back,...
Pilates Ladder Barrel Exercise: Runner’s Stretch To Improve Flexibility for Tight Hip Flexors & Hamstrings
Today I want to share with you a Pilates Ladder Barrel exercise that is excellent to help release tight hip flexors and stretch the hamstrings. Both of these muscle groups tend to be tight and in need of improved flexibility. Increasing joint range of motion at the...
World Prayer for Love & Gratitude to the Water at the Nuclear Power Plants in Fukushima Japan
I don't often post things like this. But I feel it's crucial for the health of the Planet - that as many people as possible come together and send collective positive energy, love, and healing to Japan. If you have ever read any of the books by Masuru Emoto about...