You CAN Eliminate Back Pain with Pilates Core Exercises

by | Dec 22, 2017 | Back Pain, Pilates | 0 comments

Use Pilates to help eliminate back painAre you ready to kick your back pain problems to the curb?

Get ready to eliminate back pain… You can start feeling better fast!

Back pain is a significant problem in the USA.  There can be a variety of different reasons to end up challenged with back pain problems, and it can be extremely aggravating to figure out how to feel better.  But there are lots of different exercises that can be done to eliminate back pain, and Pilates can be an excellent choice in the process of improving posture, strength, flexibility, and developing healthy movement habits to enjoy life.

I was recently contacted by Natalie, at Runway Pilates to be a contributor to an article she was writing 11 Pilates Instructors Reveal the Best Core Exercises For Back Pain.  It was awesome to be asked to share my insights.  Then I realized that I needed to be succinct in my response! With my own personal low back issues, and having worked with lots of clients over the past two-plus decades of teaching Pilates, I’ve got so many thoughts to share on the subject of eliminating back pain problems.

There are LOTS of options to help your back feel better:

Just like any other health issue, there is not one “magic pill,” or one cure-all exercise that will be the quick fix for everyone who is trying to eliminate a back pain problem.  In fact there are probably as many different exercises that can help as there are back pain problems that need to be solved… The challenge is getting to understand the right solutions and safest exercises for your body.  Then gaining confidence in how to do them well to maximize results for a healthy, happy back.

While it sounds matter-of-fact, that if you just stand tall, breathe well, improve core strength, and maintain flexibility, that all your back pain problems will disappear. (There is a lot of truth in this!)  The details of how you stand, sit, breathe, and move are key to affect lasting change.

Every BODY can do Pilates:

But not every Pilates exercise is good for you if you’ve got back pain.  I’ve continued to see, over and over again clients who got started with Pilates because they were sick and tired of dealing with their chronic back pain problems.  Most who embraced the changes needed, quickly become empowered to feel better by discovering how to listen to their body, becoming more aware of their good and bad habits, and learning how to pay better attention to what they can do that is safe and appropriate.  And even more importantly, learning what to avoid (maybe forever, or maybe just until their back feels better.)

Eliminate Back Pain Faster with One-On-One Training and Support

It is difficult to see what you’re doing IN your own body.  It is much easier to have someone else (an expert) help point out the what’s and why’s of misalignment, and muscle imbalances.  By working closely with your favorite Pilates teacher, you can more quickly fine-tune your fitness and  improve your health.  Can you save some dough and do this is a group class, or just follow along with an online Pilates video? Better not…  Be advised that if you are dealing with a back pain problem, one-on-one instruction will be the best way to help ensure you stay safe and have someone working closely with you to be sure you are doing the specific things your body needs to get better and eliminate your back pain problems.  Getting well is an investment in your health.  You can either complain and do nothing, or start searching for a mentor you trust, to help guide you to a healthy solution.

Discover what top Pilates experts recommend

What is my top tip to eliminate back pain?  Hard for me to pick just one… So Here are my Top 3 Tips:

  1. Focus on Improving your Posture
  2. Learn Pilates Breathing to help decompress your spine, and create more space inside your body.
  3. Find a well-qualified Pilates Teacher, and take Private sessions to help work 1-1 to learn how to work safely to improve your core support, and functional movement habits.

With the right muscles working to support you, it’s possible to improve your health and eliminate annoying aches and pains. It might take a bit of time and practice to re-train your body to support you better, so a bit of patience helps.  But I’ve seen amazing improvements for my personal back issues, and with my clients through Pilates.

If you’re looking for more to read on this topic… be sure to checkout the other posts I’ve written with helpful hints on eliminating back pain, in the Back Pain section on the Centerworks blog.

Aliesa George: Over the past three decades, Aliesa George has helped assist people with their personal health journeys by sharing, teaching, and developing Pilates, Foot Fitness, and other Mind-Body programs.


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