Centerworks Blog
A Fantastic Feet Toe Stretch to Help Reduce Toe Pain and Foot Pain
Improve the Mobility of your Toes. Activate, Lift, & Strengthen the Arch of Your Foot. Help Improve Gait and Foot Action to Walk & Run Faster and Farther with Happy, Healthy Feet. How flexible is your Foot? Do your toes bend easily in each direction? Can...
The Benefits of Using a Fitness Journal to Track Your Exercise Consistency
Have you ever used a Fitness Journal to log your exercise and fitness workouts? It can be so helpful to keep an exercise log to document your progress and help keep you accountable to reach the goals you’ve set for improving your health & wellness. Workout...
Pilates Mat Workout to Improve Flexibility
“True flexibility can be achieved only when all muscles are uniformly developed.” Joseph H. Pilates As I was chatting with a gal in my triathlon training program today, she began asking me questions about Pilates, and the difference between Pilates and Yoga. As a...
January is National Soup Month – What’s Your Favorite Soup?
Amazing! There is something to celebrate or acknowledge every month, and on almost every single day of the year. Did you know that January is officially National Soup Month? Are you eating soup this month? Usually a great cold-weather food for those of us who...
January is National Soup Month – What's Your Favorite Soup?
Amazing! There is something to celebrate or acknowledge every month, and on almost every single day of the year. Did you know that January is officially National Soup Month? Are you eating soup this month? Usually a great cold-weather food for those of us who...
Ron Fletcher – Pilates Elder: In Loving Memory
Ron Fletcher May 29, 1921 - December 6, 2011 The Pilates world lost a great Elder yesterday! Ron Fletcher was an amazing man and visionary teacher. I feel so blessed to have been in several of his workshops, and listened to him share his life stories, experiences,...
Avoid Knee Pain – Patella Tracking Exercise Tips
I posted a video on the Centerworks YouTube channel: Knee Exercises to Strengthen Muscles Around the Patella to Avoid Knee Pain, and it's been one of the highest viewed videos on my channel. Thanks to everyone that's tuned in for this knee exercise tip! Today, I...
Stress Management
What is Stress? Stress is an instinctual and normal response from the body when forces beyond our control affect our world. Stressors can be physical, or emotional, and can be self-induced, created by our interactions with other people, situations, or our environment....

Meditation for health enhancement is a mind-body practice that has been used for thousands of years in Eastern religious and spiritual traditions. Generally speaking, meditation is a way of clearing the mind of distracting thoughts and emotions to increase physical...
Goal Setting for a Healthy and Happy Life!
Personal Goals | Career Goals | Financial Goals | Health Goals | Life Goals | Spiritual Goals So you're surfing the net... Looking for some great, inspiring information about GOAL SETTING... Are you ready to take the next very important step to actually achieving your...