Centerworks Blog

Mindful Motivational Tip: How To Achieve Health Improvement with Progression
Progression Is Seen with Repetition. Did you ride a bike perfectly the first time you hopped on, or did you have to get on and fall off, on and fall off…until with repetition you mastered the art of balance, steering, and pedaling to successfully ride your bike. We...

Will Power or Won’t Power: Motivation for Health Improvement
Thursday’s Thought for Health Improvement from Aliesa George and Discover how tapping into your Will Power can help you achieve health improvement success. Which Power is stronger in your life, Will Power or Won’t Power? Do you even realize which...

At Home Workouts with the Pilates Arc Barrel
Have A Barrel of Fun with a Pilates Arc Barrel! Discover the benefits of better fitness. Improve posture, increase core strength, gain flexibility, and stay inspired to achieve whole-body health. There is no better way to start your day than using your Arc Barrel...

Pilates Training Tips: How to Execute a Great Side Plank
This is the 2nd article related to improving the Pilates Side Plank exercise. If you missed the first article, Pilates Training Tips: Preparatory Exercises for Side Plank, you might find it a helpful to review and practice some of the recommended preparatory...

Monday’s Motivational and Inspirational Word of the Day – BALANCE
To be in BALANCE may not mean that everything in your life gets equal time, but that there is a definite tipping point to pay attention to so that all of the important aspects of your live get some dedicated time weekly. Pay attention to what feels out-of-balance,...

Harnessing the Power of Creativity To Improve Your Health
Do you remember when you were a child how much time you lived and played with your imagination? Tapping into your creative powers to create fun games to play with friends, paint and draw pictures, make up fairy-tale stories, and all sorts of amazing things! ...

Vocal Training Benefits of Pilates
People always ask how I got started with Pilates. Everyone finds the work with a different goal in mind. For me, I was suffering from a voice injury. It hurt to talk, and swallow. My job as a Fitness Specialist and coordinator of Aerobic classes was compromised,...

Abs vs. Thighs: Which Muscles Are Really Working To Strengthen Your Core?
This article is part 1 of a 6-part series with tips to improve Pilates technique, increase effective Abdominal Strength, reduce overuse of gripping hip flexors, and improve functional mobility of the spine, pelvis, and legs. When you do a sit-up, Pilates Roll Up,...

The Mindful Motivational Word of the Day: Attunement
Motivation & Inspiration: Are Your Actions "In Tune" With Your Dreams & Desires? Attunement defined is: “To bring into harmony.” Ask yourself the following three questions: 1. Are your actions “in tune” with your goals? 2. Are you living your life in...

Did You Know More Adults Are Developing Food Allergies?
I certainly am a proponent of food allergy testing! After many years with chronic inflammation problems, 3 bouts of optic neuritis with no diagnosable reason for its onset, and the inability to ever really lose any weight, I opted to get blood work done to see what...