Centerworks Blog

Mobilizing the Ribs: Healthy Spine Movement in Many Directions
Centerworks® “Secret” Training Tips for Mobilizing the Ribcage Part Five: Multi-Directional Movement of the Spine Here it is…the grand finale for our discussion on “secret” training tips to mobilize the ribcage for a healthy spine and get the upper back to move more...

Two Simple Breathing Exercises: Improve Posture and Be Well
Pilates-Style Posterio-Lateral Breathing Exercises to Retrain Healthy Movement Habits for Better Whole-Body Health In the previous breathing article we discussed how to determine if you were breathing into your chest, belly or back. I suggested that if you're natural...

Exercises for Healthy Feet: Stretch Your Calves & Strengthen Your Arches
Articulating the Ankle: Improving Mobility To Point & Flex Your Feet Are you searching for the right exercises for healthy feet? Are your calf muscles tight? Do you ever have heel pain? Do you hop around with toe cramps? or arch cramps? Are you plagued with...

Side Bending Exercise Tips for a Strong and Healthy Back
Maximize the benefits from every side bending exercise in your Pilates workouts and fitness training routine. We need our spines to support us while we move in many different positions throughout the day, and a strong and healthy back is what keeps us moving in ALL...

Side Bend: “Secret” Training Tips
Centerworks® “Secret” Training Tips for Mobilizing the Ribcage Part Four: Lateral Movement of the Spine and Ribs There is a lot to think about in order to execute great lateral, side-bending movements. This is not a direction our upper body moves in much for daily...

Pulse Power Fitness Webinar
Pulse-Power Training & the Piezoelectric Effect Harnessing Your Inner Power for Strength, Flexibility & Fitness Discover new levels of personal power to improve your strength, flexibility, and fitness in the Pulse Power Online Workshop. Incorporate these easy...
Better Breathing Habits to Improve Posture and Reduce Pain
Tips & Techniques to Discover How Better Breathing Habits Can Help You Improve Posture, and Reduce Pain for a Healthy & Active Life Breathing is the first and last thing we do in life. And it is a good thing that we don't have to think about taking each breath...

Gain Ankle Strength and Heel Mobility for Better Balance
Medial / Lateral Ankle Strength & Multi-Directional Foot Mobility This is Part 3 in a 3-part series on Healthy Feet: Heel Mobility for Better Balance & Body Control Stretching the calf and soleus muscles are important for your lower leg and ankle flexibility,...

Hip and Leg Exercise for Strong Hips & Healthy Knees
Pulse Power: The Pigeon Pulse Exercise Are you looking for exercises to add to your workouts to help keep your hips, knees and legs healthy and strong? Try this simple hip and leg exercise that you can do in a standing position. We typically don’t spend much time in...
How your Toes and Leg Alignment Affects the Feet for Healthy Heels
How Are You Working: Legs turned Toe-Out, Parallel, or Pigeon? This article is Part 2 in a 3-part series on Healthy Feet: Heel Mobility for Better Balance & Body Control Little, seemingly insignificant posture habits can set you up for problems, pain and injury. ...