Centerworks Blog

Questions About Becoming a Pilates Teacher
I recently had someone drop me a contact request for Pilates Teacher Training information and thought she had some great questions that might be helpful to post in my Centerworks Pilates blog. Think I may turn this into a regular section and update & add posts...
Great Press on NPR for Pilates and Foot Exercises – "How to Keep your Feet Happy"
Great Press on NPR for Pilates and Foot Exercises - "How to Keep your Feet Happy" I'm thrilled to see foot-care and foot exercise making national headlines! Did you happen to see or hear the news? I'm not a regular National Public Radio listener, but fate stepped in...

How to Find a Great Pilates Teacher
I'm frequently asked for referrals from people across the country (and the world) in search of a Great Pilates Teacher or Pilates Studio that they can check out and take Private Pilates lessons and join group Mat and Pilates equipment classes. Here are a few...
Pilates Training and Peripheral Atrophy
I received this question about Pilates training by email today, thought it relevant for a blog posting: Question: Is Pilates appropriate for someone with peripheral atrophy? Balancing is becoming more & more difficult so yoga is no longer an option. If...
Pilates Workouts Are For Every Body
The Pilates Method teaches a common-sense approach to efficient movement habits for whole-body health. Every Pilates exercise combines strength and flexibility with breathing and total body awareness. Learning to pay attention to what your body is doing and how it...
Centerworks Pilates Teacher Training Workshops with Aliesa George in Little Rock, Arkasas
I had a blast teaching Shoulder Mechanics and Fantastic Feet workshops in Little Rock in April, as well as a Matwork master class. Thanks to the fantastic group of students and teachers that participated in these workshops! I am looking forward to being back in Little...
Oh My Aching Feet…Foot Pain, Foot Fitness, & Pilates Exercises for Fantastic Feet!
Here are six interesting foot facts that I found recently while researching foot health and exercise on the web. Seventy-five percent of Americans will experience foot health problems of varying degrees of severity at one time or another in their lives. Women have...
Improve Posture & Reduce Pain – Pilates and Posture Principles for Health
Do I have to practice Pilates to improve my posture? Not necessarily. However, the Pilates exercises can be a wonderful way to help you change habits. Everything that you learn about your body with the Pilates Method can be applied to both your everyday life and other...
Opening the Ribcage for More Lift in Spine Extension
I'm always experimenting with cues to help find good images that my clients can associate with while they're moving through their workouts. When I can associate a relatable picture to proper body position and movements - I usually get great execution of each Pilates...
Touch for Health & PKP Kinesiology
I've been off the blog-wagon for the past few weeks, and am now on the band-wagon to spread the word about the benefits of Kinesiology and Touch for Health! To continue my education in Mind-Body wellness - I've enrolled in a series of workshops this year to learn...