Centerworks Blog

3 Benefits of Using a Foam Roller Warm-Up for Your Workouts
One of my favorite things to do to wake up my deep core muscles, improve balance, the brain-body connection and feel the independent movement of my hips and shoulders is to do a quick 5-15 minute foam roller warm-up before a workout. Whether I’m going to do Pilates...

Exercise Speed: Pilates Training – The Value of Pacing Your Pilates Workouts
The 3 Bears Strategy for Pacing Your Pilates Workouts How are exercise speed and healthy movement related? This is an interesting topic of discussion for Pilates training. What’s the best speed for pacing your Pilates workouts? What speed should we be executing...

Features & Flaws: The Mind-Body Mindset
Perspective: How We Look and Feel About Our Body – Men vs. Women This cartoon came across my Facebook stream last week, and while it’s good for a laugh, it also gets right to the point. This man and women quickly demonstrate the differences between the male and female...

Put a little “Spring” in Your Step to Strengthen Your Feet
The muscles of our feet are designed somewhat like springs. If our arches are strong and working well, there is a spring effect that we can work with to be “light on our feet,” improve balance, and more easily transfer our weight from leg to leg to propel our...

Exercise Safety in Pilates Class and Beyond
I find it so interesting how the Universe gifts us with new opportunities to learn and grow… Since writing the recent series of articles on mobilizing the ribcage, I’ve had the privilege to start working with not one, but TWO new clients who have Harrington Rods. For...

Toes and Leg Pain – Is It Connected?
Getting to the Root of the Problem for Better Whole-Body Health Have you ever experienced pain somewhere in your body not from an accident or a hard work out, but over time a little ache here, a bigger pain there. It's nothing big enough to “worry” about or...

One Lung Breathing: Creating Balance for Better Breathing and Posture Habits to Look Good and Feel Great!
Most of the time when we breathe the air goes in, the air comes out, and we're not even conscious of how much of our lungs we are using or even which lung we tend to use more. If you have scoliosis, asthma or other physical/health challenges that have contributed to...

Using Percussive Breathing Techniques To Reduce Neck and Back Pain
Learn How To Breathe Deeply & Easily for Better Posture and Better Health There are many different strategies for better breathing. Good breathing habits can significantly reduce neck and back pain and improve body alignment and posture. Percussive breathing is...

Oh My Inner Thighs!
5 Reasons to Find, Feel and Use Your Inner Thigh Muscles for Healthy Movement Habits I picked this title as a topic months ago, and then just a couple of weeks ago offered a “Stretch Class” in the studio that I haven’t taught for about 10 years! It’s been interesting...

A Simple Exercise To Develop Better Breathing Habits with Exercise
Tips to Incorporate Pilates-Style Back Rib Breathing to Movement and Exercise In the last breathing article I shared with you two breathing exercises to help start retraining healthy breathing habits to feel your breath go into the back of your ribcage to lengthen the...