Taking time daily to practice meditation is a great way to improve your health. Daily meditation can help reduce stress, release tension, relax, re-energize, and renew your mind, body, and Spirit.
Challenged to find time to mediate? It can be something as short as 5-10 focused breaths, or 30 seconds to 1 minute with a quiet mind. Or you can indulge in 15, 30, 45, or 60 minutes of stress relieving time in your day to meditate.
Don’t have time daily? Make time! The long-term health benefits for your body will be worth it. Perhaps some days it’s a short-quick meditation, and other days you give yourself more time.
Consistent daily meditation can help you maintain a sense of inner peace, balance, and live in a stress-free zone.
Daily Meditation can be done standing, seated, or laying down. And there are many different types of meditations. Some are in stillness, and others are in movement. Meditation can be done silently or with Mantras or vocalization. Guided meditations are usually done in stillness. Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, and Pilates can all be considered different types of moving meditations.
My Qi Gong teacher always commented that one of the goals of practicing daily meditation is to quiet our “monkey-mind.” That little voice in our head that is constantly chattering! In our daily lives we are completely over stimulated with things to do, people to talk to, TV, voice mail, text messages, email, tweets, Facebook conversations, LinkedIn networking, Pinning, YouTube, work tasks, family responsibilities….an endless stream of noise, chatter, and to-do’s looping & stacking on our brain cells to overload our mental and physical self to exhaustion.
A quick couple of minutes of quiet, rhythmic breathing staggered through your day, focused on quieting the “monkey-mind” even for a moment can help bring your brain and body back into balance. And if you have more time – take it!
Here’s a nice stress-relieving meditation you can do sitting at your computer. And remember, Tai Chi, Qi Gong, Yoga, and Pilates (even staying mindful on a walk) can count towards your daily meditation time!
Relax, re-energize, and renew your mind, body, and Spirit with a few magical minutes of daily meditation.