Resolutions and Goal Setting: Review/Preview

by | Dec 14, 2010 | Goal Setting | 1 comment

I was at an event for speakers recently that my sweetheart was presenting at, and had the wonderful opportunity to share some time with Sam Horn.  Sam is billed as “The Intrigue Expert,” but  I’d have to say she is the most brilliant wordsmith I’ve ever met!  Regardless of your business, her book “POP” is worth a read, you’ll glean tons of great insights for communicating your message to your desired audience.

Anyway, while we were eating lunch, Sam had our table do a great exercise together called “Review/Preview.”  We each had 2-3 minutes to share our highlights for personal and business success in 2010 as we reviewed the year.  Then we took 2-3 minutes to share a preview of what we want to accomplish in 2011 both personally and professionally.  Once we shared our preview, everyone at the table helped brainstorm things to move us along to achieve our goals.

This was a fabulous way to interact with our table-mates and get to know each other better, and you really had to zero in and be succinct and specific for what you wanted to share.

I mentioned in my Wellness Success Newsletter, that I’d share my personal Review/Preview here on the blog.  Would love to hear comments about your personal review/preview too!

2010 Year in REVIEW – Personal & Professional Highlights

  • This year it was all about ME!  Learning to put myself (and my health) above all else as a top priority.  Striving to feel worthy to love myself enough that it’s OK to pamper me, take time for me, and do more for me than I do for others.  What I’ve  learned this year  is that BEING is every bit as important as DOING.  I’ve been a Doer for a very long time, it’s time to just BE!
  • I spent some fabulous time in mentor-ship with Spiritual Psychic Cynthia Killion, to help get in better touch with my Spiritual self, intuition, and develop enhanced communication with my Spiritual teachers, Helpers, and Guides.  This experience has helped to open my eyes to things I’ve always known about, but not known how to access, control, or even accept.  It’s a fascinating journey I look forward to continuing.  I know that I’m here for a purpose, and with more openness to Spiritual guidance – I hope to gain confidence in knowing specifically what that purpose is, and then sharing my light with the world for health, happiness, and bliss!
  • Optic Neuritis and Detox.  While I can’t say that dealing with Optic Neuritis and being on high dose steroids most of the year has been a highlight…  It has helped “open my eyes” a bit and take better care of myself!  I participated in an intensive Detox program at Clearsprings Health Center in Arkansas to help get me off the steroid medication that my local doctors seemed unable to assist with.  I am grateful to be finally off steroids AND not on any other drugs to manage this, as my eye slowly continues to heal.
  • Professionally, I feel  like my business has been coasting while I’ve been taking care of myself this year.  However, I have been gifted with some great body awareness applications to movement this year which I’ve formulated into a book (It will be available soon.) and a new Pilates continuing education workshop – The Centerworks Pilates “Holy Grail” System – An Amazing “Secret” KEY to Success for Anchoring, Body Awareness, and Whole-Body Health. I am blessed to have been  as busy as I wanted to be teaching, and have had lots of fun sharing my expertise at workshops in Wichita, Lawrence, and Little Rock.

PREVIEW of 2011

  • Personally, I’ve got to keep taking care of me and doing all the right things to stay healthy.  #1 is a good attitude and the mindset that I deserve  and am worthy of being healthy and fit.  My goal, now that my eye is better, is to ramp up my workout program with a good balance of cross-training activities.  Pilates, Cardio, Weights, Racquetball, In-Line Skating, Yoga/Stretching, and this year I’d like to train for and complete my first Triathlon.
  • For fun, I’ve started drawing and painting, so I plan to continue improving my skills in this arena.  I want to attend at least 2 art workshops this year.
  • And this will be the year of the Wedding!!!  No date yet, but we’ve got to get planning!
  • For a Centerworks Pilates business Preview:  My next series of Pilates Teacher-Training Workshops starts in January.  I plan to create some new on-line continuing ed courses, add lots of Pilates video tips to YouTube  and my blog, and am in development phase for some fabulous new Pilates classes that I hope will reach enthusiastic Pilates participants across the globe.

It’s quick and easy to do highlights for a Review/Preview.  I’ve shared what’s up in my life…  Now tell me, what’s happening in yours?

Have a Blessed Holiday Season and Best Wishes for a Fabulous New Year!

Aliesa George: Over the past three decades, Aliesa George has helped assist people with their personal health journeys by sharing, teaching, and developing Pilates, Foot Fitness, and other Mind-Body programs.

1 Comment

  1. Laurie

    Great blog. I haven’t taken the time to read blogs much in the new year. Glad I chose yours. Look forward to your book as we begin both Yoga and Pilates Teacher training programs at my studio. Would be very interested in your online continuing ed courses as I always struggle to find what I want to study in English while over here in Germany. You should also consider podcasting for your video tips, etc. I’m a big fan of both pilates and yoga podcasts and have recently met a surprising many who are. All the best for your health, happiness and success in 2011.


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